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Seoul National University Hospital Department of Labcratory Medicine

검사항목 검색

서울대학교병원 진단검사의학과 검사항목 검색 입니다.

  • 홈 아이콘
  • 검사안내
  • 검사항목 검색
검사 및 검사안내 정보
게시판 내용
검사분류코드 L60
검사분류명 기생충검사
검사항목코드 L60342
검사항목명 Neutral fat
참고치 Negative
단위 μm
기본검체 Stool 5 g
시행일 월-금
접수마감시간 오후 1시
보고소요시간 당일(오전9시접수시 오후5시보고)
문의처 기생충검사실(T.2896)
검사방법 Sudan III, Oil Red O 염색법
검사의의 Instruct patient to defecate into a dry bedpan without mineral oil, bismuth, or magnesium compounds. Neutral fats will appear as orange to red refractile globules. A normal stool will have not have any or few globules. Clinical significance: in celiac syndrome the amount of fat lost in the stool is greater than normal in comparison to the amount ingested.
Increases in neutral fat are commonly associated with pancreatic maldigestion.
Increases in fatty acids are likely to be associated with small bowel disease.
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